Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

More Sword And Spear Types

Not going to Carronade enabled me to complete the Goth cavalry unit sooner than anticipated.

Footsore Miniatures

So on Monday we will be doing a Roman v Goth bash. While chatting with Dave over at GHQ the other day, the conversation came around to Clarence Harrison's Victory Without Quarter rules. I like the mechanisms in these and I thought we could incorporate them in our S and S games to cut down on casualty recording. Over breakfast and lunch yesterday I incorporated them in to our Neil Thomas rework so will give them a try Monday.

I am getting close to " completing", (yes the "C" word) the Roman British v Saxon project so my thoughts have been turning to the dark age Ireland project. I have had some test figures painted for a while and finally decided how I was going to base the project so got them based up.

Footsore Miniatures

Hope to be popping across to Partizan on Sunday it looks to be another cracker looking at the list of games.



  1. Splendid Goths & Oirish! New Rules too! How will I cope?

    1. Not too well I hope, they don't make the Romans any weaker I'm afraid but I am sure you will be up for the challenge.

  2. I really do like those. A lot to see when you stare into them. Good job.

  3. Nice work in these, must dig some of the old Musketeer stuff out of the lead mountain.

  4. Very nice, good chance I might be at Partizan if my lift doesn't chicken out.

    1. Thank you George, do hope you can make it would be good to meet up.

  5. Splendid units, love the impressive cavalry...

    1. Thank you Phil, still a couple more to come.

  6. Beautifully done! Are you able to elaborate a bit on Victory Without Quarter/Neil Thomas rework rules? I like both of these games and would be very interested in seeing how they combine.

    1. Thank you William. Move sequence NT, have altered charges, need to pass morale to charge steady troops, added defensive fire, evading and cavalry can counterparts. Troop types as per NT, movement as per NT mainly. Shooting more or less like VWQ, saving throws as per NT. Close combat more like VWQ but with some more period twist, the same goes for morale tests. Leaders help in combat and morale, risk to them as per VWQ. The casualty recording is all VWQ. I can't mail you a copy as its all on my old PC and I can't get my email up.

    2. Thanks! Look forward to reading about Monday's game.

  7. Beautiful looking units! Really need to get back on my Dark Ages!


    1. Thank you Christopher. It would be good to see more from you, always look when I need some inspiration on mine.

  8. Great looking Goths! Nice looking Irish too!
    Best Iain

  9. Phil, sorry to put this here, but it is a response to your iPad woes that you mentioned on Matt's Wargames in the Dungeon blog.

    On the iPad, the new iOS automatically activates 'Cross-Site Tracking'. When active your Blogger dashboard does not give you access to commenting on blogs.

    To turn it off, go into settings and scroll down to Safari and click it open. The right hand window will give you the Cross Site Tracking on / off option. If you change it, just turn the iPad off and when you bring it back on, you should get posting access.

    But note, the significance of Cross-Post Tracking is that when active, it stops a third party from tracking your movement across all the places that you visit (Google it).

    If I switch mine off, I put it back on again after making the comments that I want to make.

  10. Excellent figures such thing as a finished project though. PS Norm is a technical wizard !

    1. Thanks Matt. Talking of finished projects, have just been looking at Picts to add🙂

  11. The Goths look splendid. I am just finishing some of the Footsore Goths myself and they are nice figures. Did yours come with tons of flash and require drilling out of the hands?
    I always admire a chap running into battle starkers. Good form that man.

    1. Thank you Mike. I have had Goths for sometime when they were Musketeer Miniatures and Gripping Beast cast and distributed them, really clean casts. Although I have order other castings from Footsore and had no problems. Bill sculps all his recent figures with hands that need to be drilled out, which I prefer anyway.

  12. Grand! Fabulous work once more. Very fine work on the cloaks.
