Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 21 January 2019

In Absentia.

Dave was unable to come over for our game today, but as the table was all set up for a Great War game using Bolt Action the order of the day was to fly solo.
The British objective was to neutralise (major victory) or isolate (minor victory) a troublesome hillside German bunker. They had seven turns, with a possible eighth turn to achieve this, turns one to seven would see a black order dice added to the dice bag, on drawing this a random event card would be drawn and acted upon.
As is becoming customary I will let the photos and captions guide the interested reader through the action as it unfolded.
Ajax leads the way, the Whippet could only cross the stream via the bridge at advance speed.

First card drawn sees the MMG in the bunker given a down order.

The temptation of seeing Tommy fording the stream entices the Germans to open fire.

Taking advantage of the bunker MMG team being down the Assault Party set off manfully.

Meanwhile the rest of the British force surge ahead to neutralise the German forces in the hillside wood.

The view from a passing Recon plane.

The other German Gruppe also give Tommy some lead

Tommy presses on regardless, Ajax has just survived a direct hit from German mortar fire.

That was close! the random card draw brings a stray artillery round.

Just as the infantry catch up and prepare for the all out assault on the German position the mortar gets lucky.

To further add to the British woes all the sections go down!

A ray of hope the card drawn is "Up and at 'em", it doesn't quite get them into assault but puts them in a good position next turn, providing the Germans dice doesn't come out first.

But of course it does, oh well nothing ventured and all that.

However all is not lost, an extra turn is thrown for and achieved, this sees the British fire taking its toll and the two German Gruppe fail their morale rolls and rout. Herr Leutnant makes for the cover of the bunker.

With the hillside now clear of German troops the bunker is isolated, a minor victory for the British, hurrah!



  1. Still feeling wan here, so pleased to see I sneaked a narrow win in absentia! As ever, a grand looking game featuring your new bunker too!

  2. Yes a very nice looking game and AAR.

  3. Great read and an excellent looking game with some lovely looking toys!

  4. That's one fantastic looking game Phil!


  5. A lovely set up complete with evil bunker. I do like your figures for this period, beautifully painted.

    1. Thank you George much appreciated. The bunker is from Ironclad miniatures, a very fine piece.

  6. Cracking stuff old chap...
    If as David says... you lost without him even being there... things may not be as bad as it seems for me... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, it is indeed a rum do when you get defeated by yourself as well, but at least it was only partial in this case.

    2. A draw may actually have been a worse result... as it would have meant that neither side of your brain was capable of victory...

    3. you may have a point there. Interestingly my dice throwing for both sides was abysmal at times, the Germans just fared badly at the wrong time.

  7. Well done Phil good looking game,especially like the bunker.🙂

    1. Thank you Matt. The bunker is a nice piece and will no doubt see service in Spain in due course.

  8. Great looking game- love the Whippet!

    1. Thank you John. The Whippet is from Brigade Games.

  9. Great looking game! Lovely figures and super scenery!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, it was quite entertaining, apart from forming a split personality ";~)
