Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 4 January 2018

To Be Continued?

The year ended with the death of my eldest sister, Ann, she was admitted to hospital the Wednesday before Christmas and passed away the following Thursday, just over a month after her husband Bernard.
Needless say we are all in shock at the suddeness of it all, with Christmas over we all reflect on the past year and the new one don't we.
I am not getting any younger myself and wonder if I should spend the time I spend blogging on painting instead, it seems to take longer each time, my IPad and Blogger just don't communicate a lot of the time, the Kindle is next to useless these days as Silk never seems to get supported anymore and I find uploading pictures is a chore a lot of the time in either device.
I shall take this month out and consider it, anyway on a more cheerful note I trust you all had a splendid Christmas and wish you all a happy and prosperous New year.

Ann Charmaine Dilger
25.2.1939 - 28.12.2017


  1. I do hope 2018 will be kinder to you Phil, and to your blog. Using my iPad and blogger myself I just cannot understand your issues as you know. Folk enjoy seeing your work and our games in OHQ, so don’t throw any towels about yet.

  2. Oh dear I'm very sorry for your loss Phil. Take all the time you need, but I hope you continue to blog as I enjoy your posts. Like David said I hope 2018 is kinder to you.


  3. Truly I cannot imagine a worse end to a year. You have my deepest sympathies Phil!

    I hope 2018 treats you far better and that you find your enthusiasm for blogging once again. If not, then thank you for sharing with us til now. I've enjoyed your blog very much.

  4. Condolences for your sad loss.

    Before giving up on Blogger with an iPad, try the APP called Blog Touch Pro, you should be able to manage you blog content fine with this. I did this for quite a while and then got a Chromebook, which handles Blogger just as a PC or Mac would.

  5. My condolences old boy.

    Please don’t give up the blog... if you do we will only have Dave’s side of the story when you have one of your games...
    And we know how unreliable he can be.... ;-j

    All the best. Aly

    1. Are you suggesting I am anything other than strictly impartial in my comments on our games? For shame Alastair!

  6. The same happened with my grandparents, both passed with in a month of each other. That being said, I am sorry for your families recent loss.

  7. Sorry for your loss Phil always a challenging time at Christmas....hopefully 2018 will be kinder. As for the blogging vs painting balance my increasingly voiced approach is do more of what you enjoy. Your blog is excellent and you give those of us that follow plenty of joy. But that is selfish from our perspective. The question is what do you get from it ? As for the tech I think you have a bug in the system somewhere as my iPad seems to work pretty smooth......famous past words 😀

  8. Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement.
    I will perhaps continue to blog but perhaps less frequently, don’ know why but I think I have put myself under pressure to blog every week regardless. Anyway if a terrain making commission materialises I will be quite busy in the run up to Salute so my time will be at a premium anyway.
    I have had a look at Blog Touch Pro, it does get positive reviews so I may consider it if the problems with the IPad continue.

    1. Phil I didn’t mention it but I use blog touch pro. It does work makes sizing pictures and stuff really easy. Makes general blog writing easier. There are a couple of qwerty things but generally I would recommend 😀

  9. My condolences too Phil.

    Ultimately you should always do what makes you happiest. While I don't always comment I do enjoy your posts regardless. That said I'd rather read one quality post each six months (or whatever), rather than one you've felt pressured to write.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't imagine there are many people who would go to the effort to 'unfollow' the blog if you post more occasionally either. So same audience, less pressure!

    1. Thank you Jim. I may go with blogging less, when I look at the latest game pics it's much of the same arranged differently, so what is the point unless it was a particularly stand out game.

  10. Sorry to hear of your loss. It's a great blog but understandable if you wanted to let it go, we would miss it!
    Best Iain

  11. Sorry for your loss Phil.
    I share your pain with trying to blog from a mobile device. Scrivsland is ok as I do it from the laptop, but updating the 'Scrivs on Tour' blog while actually 'On Tour' has been suspended, it's not worth the frustration so we now type up notes on the mobile devices and do the posts when we get home.

    1. Thank you Paul. If and when I do blog again I will stick to using the laptop I think, tablets are too unpredictable it seems.
