Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Trial By Combat

Today we had another run out with our Neil Thomas, Ancient and Medieval - Dux Britaniarum rules hybrid for our new year campaign. It was a stand up fight to gain control of the much contested Edna's ford.
The modifications so far served us well and my new multi-basing did not hinder play, actually speeding up movement and cheaper than adding magnets to keep the damn figures in place in the trays.
The game looked to be going in the Saxons favour with the Force Morale of the British going down to one,while the Saxons stood at six. That was until Baldinus with no troops to influence in the fight, joined his hearthguard who were locked in combat with their Saxon counterparts and the Saxon leader, Penda Fudd.
Suddenly Penda was hors-de-combat and the Saxon Force Morale plummeted to two! It was all to late though, the Saxons enraged at the death of their leader wiped out another base of British who upon testing morale lost another base, the resulting Force Morale test saw the British Force Morale reduced to nil, forcing the remaining men to withdraw, so battered were the Saxons that they did not contest the withdrawal and were content to hold the ford and carry away their leaders body.
Some pictures of the action follow below -
Edna's Ford

The Britons Advance

The Saxons Advance

Battle is Joined

The Hearthguard of Baldinus

The Britons

The Saxons

We plan to be at Warfare on Sunday so next week we will be having another small game, a raid this time, for even now a new threat to the Britons looms in the form of Bicca se Gebraken, who has been waiting patiently for the opportunity to replace the fearsome Penda Fudd.



  1. Great game, despite my demise! But, I am born again for the next tussle under a new pseudonym.

    1. Indeed it was, rules worked a treat I thought. I had better get some champions painted up to absorb some wounds else it may be a short campaign :~)

  2. Replies
    1. Certainly was, looking forward to the next on Monday.

  3. Lovely as always I do want to get my Dark age armies bulked out a bit and move them up to these larger skirmish games. I probabaly have enough but need to get some more Briton types sorted 🙂

  4. Thanks Matt. I never intended to expand beyond enough figures for Dux B, but once I started painting the Footsore figures it was curtains :~)
    Buying Irish now for next year's painting, Vikings are out next month too, oh dear!

  5. Such lovely looking armies & great terrain Phil, well done indeed!

  6. Thank you for the kind comments JS.

  7. Fantastic painting and basing. love the idea of not having heaps of figures on the bases.

    1. Thank you. Yes when originally planned for six figure groups singles were not too bad, but when that gets to nine and twelve plus, well.

  8. Great stuff, makes me want to go back and try Dux B again.

    1. Thank you George. You should, altering the campaign bits to suit the rules, it's not that I don't like the cards it's just that I would forget about using them and you can't beat good old table top tactics rather than gimmicky cards.

  9. Lovely looking figures and scenery and an entertaining contest by the sound of it, footsore figures are delightful sculpts!
    Best Iain

  10. Thank you Iain, it was a fine game, we really like AMW I think it has become our rules of choice now. I could paint Footsore Miniatures all day long.
