Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 25 September 2017

The Harvest Is Saved

The Lord was with us today for we thwarted the attempts of Penda Fudd and the Saxon invaders to burn the harvest we had toiled long for during the summer months.
We thought that our lone body of men left to guard the crop would be overrun but the advance of Penda's force was slow, being held up by the slow advance of his bowmen, if he had known how ineffectual they would be later, he would have left them behind I am sure.
We were unable to stop them reaching the haystack, but the Saxons were not very adept at creating fire, or the crop was damp, for they were unable to set it alight. So intent on burning were they that they did not realise that our bowmen were slowly whittling their number down until it was to late, when they did they then lost heart and retired. The Saxons were able to burn the cart that was full of hay, but were unable to reach the storehouses, being held at bay by our stalwart spear men. So brave and adept were they, that the hearth guard of the great Baldinus himself were not needed to send the Saxons scurrying back to their conquered lands.
We will eat well this winter and then take the fight back to the Saxons in the spring and with the good Lords help reclaim the land that is rightfully ours.
Dawn, The Guard Stand To

They Later Pull Back To Defend The Store

The Saxons Attempt To Burn The Stack

The Other Troops Head For The Cart

Baldinus Moves Up In Support

The Cart Burns, But The Saxon Attack On The Store Is Repulsed

Heroes Of The Hour, The Bowmen of Baldinus

We again used Lion Rampant with the same modifications from last game, but also added a rule that the Saxon Duguth, due to being more experienced and wise could, if they had to charge due to the Wild Charge rule, re-roll in an attempt not to.

The last post for a couple of weeks as I am away on holiday next week.



  1. A splendid game really, despite my appalling tactics and even worse dice throwing, both of which you so kindly gloss over in your AAR.

    1. Thank you Penda Fudd, better luck next outing perhaps.

  2. Another super looking table. The burning cart is a great touch. Worthy of a really good display game ;-)

  3. Thank you Jon, trust you are keeping as well as can be.

  4. Wonderful figures and pictures, the burning cart is a very nice idea!

    1. Thank you Phil, glad I was able to keep the Saxon pyrotechnics in check though.

  5. Nice job.....I need some of those haystacks 😀

    1. Thanks Matt. This one was from Coriatani, there are nicer ones but they seem too neat to me.

  6. Good Painting Work
    great picture series and
    interesting topic

    1. Thank you Max, glad you like the unfolding story, more to come.

  7. Great looking game, nice to see the good guys winning!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain.

      Indeed, old Baldinus and Co. were due a success, 6 - 4 up at the moment.
