Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Rawnstadt, A Fictional Town In.................

With the Russian steamroller seemingly unstoppable I thought that I really ought to get the second part of Rawnstadt ready to defend, should the Russians forces breakthrough.
The buildings are a mix of Hovels 15mm and 20mm with the exception of the building with the old paint showing through, this was made by Matt Bickley for our games when we were on the show circuit, the cobbles are Wills, the shell craters are from Ironclad and the monument is from Sgts. Mess who also provided various bits of debris.
  Below is a picture of it with the recently Christened Rawnstadt metal factory piece I made a while ago, the road pieces are from Ironclad Miniatures.
  Although it has appeared in game shots before, here are some close ups with the added name board.

And finally the town piece with a base coat of doggy doo brown ready for painting................

Off to the new show ROBIN in Nottingham with Dave on Sunday, delivering some painting and having a mooch round, I have no list at the moment though ;~)



  1. Wonderful looking buildings/ruins...

    1. Thank you Phil, hope to "improve" them further over the weekend.

  2. Looking good there Phil! But, no list for ROBIN, are you ill?

    1. Thank you DB, yes but there is too much choice of medication.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank Mattias. There is a beauty in ruins, sad that really.

  4. That does look good. Onwards to Berlin!

  5. Really like the style. Interesting to see you fixing the bases you get a better look and it allows more realistic modelling.....I'm always torn about flexibility though 🤔

    1. Thanks Matt, the factory pieces all used be based singly, but we tended to clump them together anyway, so I thought they may as well go on the one base.

  6. Nice looking ruins looking forward to more than a coat of brown base on them.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, looking forward to it too. It's just knowing where to begin ;~)
