Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Fields Of Gold

When we play our WWII Eastern Front games I usually plonk down some sprayed and cut up doormat and disguise some of the edge with walls, fences etc. in an endeavour to make it look more than a sprayed doormat, which works pretty well. Until that is you have a tank or figures balanced on top, now I know its only a game of toy soldiers, but I thought it would look better if sections could be removed. So to this end I have based a piece up, added a cut in two strip of wall from the Last Valley and made a balsa fence.
Light Footfall

Heavier Footfall

More Than Just Footfall
 I am quite pleased with the result so may do another, but not until I have done a bit more to the bad boy below that I started last year
The Ruins Of Rawnstadt



  1. Now, that is really splendid Phil.

    1. Thank you DB, no doubt the Russian horde will trample a week Monday :~)

  2. Interesting approach. I've seen some where the field is cut into squares or even irregular shapes which can be removed or replaced as necessary.

    The Ruins Of Rawnstadt project also looks interesting. Is there a previous blog entry on Rawnstadt?

    1. Thank you William.

      There was a skirmish on the outskirts the beginning of January.

  3. That is an excellent addition to Last Valley terrain, I did some fields ages ago which were all like your heavy footfall but left corn stalks here and there, very effective and easy to move through. I love the ruins, that's for me when the PO shuts and I take over.

    1. Thank you George.

      Are you going to demolish it ;~)

    2. Only the front, I have the green light to turn the very large area into my wargame room/den/library etc. I even have my eye on a wine cooler.

    3. Sounds good. All being well I will get half (or maybe be a little more ;~)) of the garage next year.

  4. Nice idea, do you plan to swop them over as the battle progresses....that would be ambitious but look great😀

    1. Thank you Matt.

      I may cut the inserts into smaller pieces to do just that, although the speed T34's go I think it will be the more than heavier footfall one that will be left :~)

  5. Nice idea and lovely execution. The ruins already look interesting I look forward to your further work on them.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I shall be sure to post some WIP shots as it progresses.
