Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 16 July 2015

I've Got Bills

If you remember a previous post I mentioned that I had bought a copy of Lion Rampant to see if it could reinvigorate my stalled Wars of the Roses project, we used the rules for a early Dark Ages game and were suitably impressed. A few days later I set too unbasing the WotR figures I had done and redoing the livery and adding livery badges where necessary. One of the reasons, apart from the prospect of painting two large forces of basically the same troops I got frustrated with the different liveries, badges and flags. This time I am determined not to, so don't tell me my "murrey" is the the wrong shade or my livery badges to big because I don't give a fig :-)
I would have posted pics earlier but I deleted them in error, I have now took new ones and in the meantime have added some men at arms. The figures are all Perry Miniatures, the flag is from Pete's Flags and grand they are too, check them out on EBay.

     I have also recently completed a Saxon standard bearer for my early Dark Ages project, the figure is from Footsore nee Musketeer Miniatures
 Next game at OHQ will be a WWII Eastern Front game using Rapid Fire rules, our recent foray into WWII can be viewed over on Dave's blog, Tales From GHQ.

Finally I dedicate this blog entry to my mother in law who sadly passed away at the weekend, a wonderful and kind lady who was always enthralled to see my latest painting efforts, so much so that I had to paint a small vignette up for her, which she proudly showed off to all visitors.

Ivy "Audrey" Walters Nee Tyler
10.08.1930 - 11.07.2015
Probably The Best Mother-In -Law In The World


  1. Fantastic painting Phil. Sorry to hear of your loss.

  2. Very nice paintjob.
    And my condolence for your loss.

  3. Sorry for your loss...and splendid bills, excellent job!

  4. Fantastic looking figures! Sorry for your loss, cool to read a nice story about someones Mother in Law though!

    1. Thank you for the comment and thoughts. Have to agree it's not very often, perhaps it's just comedians who draw the short straw :-)

  5. Very fine work,but you kept it very quiet! I like the Saxon very much. See you Monday!

  6. Silent but deadly Mr. B, Yes see Monday on your "promotion" to the Eastern Front :-)

  7. Lovely work, sir. My sympathies apropos your dear mother-in-law.

    1. Thank you Peter, I'm sure Ma would have approved to.
