Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 14 March 2015

WMMS 2015

Here are some pics of some of the superb games on display at this years West Midland Military Show, there were lots more to photograph but I was recovering from flu and the old legs were getting a tad wobbly so I only took these. I picked up some bespoke MDF bases from the splendid folk at Warbases and got some stairs and tombs for Church Hill from Ainsty. Last of the big spenders or what?
WWII Western Desert

Great Northern War

Indian Mutiny

Great War 1918

A Very British Civil War
Siege Of Malta
WWII Normandy

Painting is in progress on Church Hill and finally....................................
My daughters Doberman came first in her class at Crufts :-)



  1. Nice looking games. Well done to your daughter. I don't think my two scruff bags would get through the front door at Crufts!

    1. Thank you Mark, this was a small selection of some great games, I could not manage to get round the other half to take more games in, in hindsight I should have taken some pics to begin with. Frieda did well it was her first Crufts too, Ruth was well chuffed, she was just hoping for a place.

  2. Fine pictures . Looks like I missed a classic show? Roll on Carronade!

    1. Yup, can't say that there was a real duffer amongst them, and you could see them, which is more than can be said for a certain "more prestigious" event.
