Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 28 July 2014

A Grand Day Out

If you frequent Dave's Tales Of GHQ blog you will see that we recently paid a visit to Foundry in their relocated premises, a fair jaunt from where we live now but a lot more salubrious surroundings. Dave mentioned that I got some of their "un-released" Dark Age Germans to see how they mixed with the Musketeer Goths I got recently during our visit to Gripping Beast to fight my 3rdCent. Romans. I bought the civilian pack and casualty pack as Musketeer do not have any in their range and the un-armoured command, again Bill as only done armoured command figures, I got these to see if they would mix in, the casualties and civilians do not really matter. Below is a comparison pic and pics of the individual packs. I think they will do OK don't you? It is quite an extensive range, really baffled as to why they were not released before, the range also includes specific figures for Franks and Ostrogoths the latter with the coffin shield in illustration 111 in Phil Barker's " Armies And Enemies Of Imperial Rome"  I assume that as these are not "Old Foundry" they will appear in the "Casting Room" section at some point, although some are clearly based on Copplestone dollies. A phone call or email will no doubt provide one with further info. Do pop over to Dave's blog for a full appraisal of our visit, I don't really have more to add to Dave's comments here.

From left to right, New Fdy German, Old Fdy Late Roman, Gripping Beast Saxon, New Fdy German, Muketeer Goth, New Fdy German

DG513 Dark Age German Casualties

DG501 Dark Age German Un-armoured Command
 I trust this has been of interest to you Ancient fans out there.

DG512 Dark Age German Civilians

1 comment:

  1. Useful comparison shots Phil, proving they will fit in just fine too. You'll have to get a few more next time we can get over. Perhaps for Christmas?
