Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Legio II Traiana, Fortis, Germanica and Gordiana

I have of late  been contemplating selling off my 3rd century Romans, two recent occurrences have made  me decide to keep them, the  reprinting of Neil Thomas's Ancient and Medieval rules, his rules are not every ones cup of tea, but they are right up my street, and the rather superb Roman civil war display put on by Simon Millar at Partizan. So I have now unbased and debased the ones I did earlier on an Impetus base and painted up four more figures to make up the four bases required for the rules, the frontage is still the standard 120mm for Impetus so that I can still play Impetus games too. Suitably inspired I have ordered a unit of Praetorians, excellent service from A&A and Aventine on these.

Here is Legio II Traiana in its new state

Yesterday I popped over to GHQ for an American Civil War game using Longstreet, an enjoyable and interesting game, but I doubt that they will be our rules of choice for this period, click on the link to read more.



  1. A very nice unit. Well done, Phil.

  2. Very nice looking unit. Haven't heard of the rules you mention, by Neil Thomas. Why do you recommend?

    1. Thanks Mark. I have his 19thC ones and find them very straight forward, has I mentioned not to everyones taste but they are also easily amended to ones own bias. I get the impression they are a Marmite set ;-)

  3. Nice work, but then I've seen them before over at yours so can appreciate what they are really like. Always like the bases you do Phil!

    1. Thanks Dave, as you know got these as a retirement project, I suppose they still are, with another seven units to do I'll be retired before they are done ;-)

  4. Great looking figures. I still have somewhere some Romans to be painted. And after your I think I need to find them...

    1. Thank you Bartek, I hope it inspires you to do just that.

  5. Great looking units, most the arrow on the shield, nice detail!

    1. Thank you Phil, yes I thought it would show off the purpose of holding their shields like that, didn't want folk to think they were just keeping the sun out of their eyes :-)
