Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Iron Pig

A days gaming had been arranged, with our old chum John yesterday. It was Dave's birthday the following day so I took along a little birthday gift, an old HLBSC FT17, duly repainted to represent Lord Emsworth latest addition to the Blandings arsenal, to protect his precious pig  castle. To celebrate this the planned ECW game became an impromptu VBCW game. A full report will appear on Dave's blog, TalesFromGHQ in due course, meanwhile here are some pics of the action from Lord Ems prospective.

The Blanding's Militia Castle Company 

The Blanding's Militia Empress Company, all veterans of the Great War

The Empress Of Blandings II, affectionately known as the Iron Pig

The Empress Company under heavy attack from MG and Mortar fire

The Iron Pig is immobilised by the Royalist 2pdr ATG 

Col. "Tubby" Bykleigh Retd. bolsters the Empress Company morale
The Iron Pig is destroyed!!!

Royalist LDV outflank the garrison
The Shropshire Light Infantry push back Lord Ems house guests.
The Colonel rallies the house staff for a last ditch defence.



  1. Nice pics, Phil! The Iron Pig was an ace gift, Thanks!

    1. Your most welcome, shame I got it deaded in its first outing.
