Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 24 January 2014

Blunders on the Bland

I made the trip over to GHQ for the WWII Bolt Action game earlier today, I commanded the British who were tasked with recapturing a bridge taken by German parachutists the previous day whilst the local British forces were otherwise engaged. Things started well with the heroic Home Guard units diverting the German attention from the bridge whilst the regulars made their way to assault the bridge. Despite their stirling efforts their inexperience began to show when surviving earlier mortar fire the German gunners  found their mark and they were subsequently decimated by concentrated mortar fire. The attack on the bridge was developing nicely too, unfortunately the tank commander turned out to be a windy sort and halted his advance when he spotted the Germans deploying an anti-tank rifle, refusing to advance until it was dealt with. With the Home Guard units all but destroyed and the loss of the tank, set on fire by assaulting German jagers together with the regular units depleted by MMG and rifle fire the attack was called off.
A splendid few hours gaming with a break for lunch and a chat in splendid company what more can a chap ask for on his day off from painting?
Below are some pics taken by the Blanding Bugles intrepid photographer John Bailey, for more pics in glorious technicolour and a more detailed report of this and the previous action please visit Dave's blog

The Home Guards Smith Gun Moves Up To Support Them

Regulars Advance Upon The Bridge

Meanwhile The Home Guard Divert The Germans Attention  

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