Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Vuelta a España

The other Friday saw a return to Spain at OHQ, following the previous weeks visit to the new Battlefront HQ where I was lucky enough to be able to play a game on their splendid terrain which will be on display at Salute and Historicon this year, more info on Dave's blog "Tales From GHQ".

For this outing in the First Carlist War we tried out Neil Thomas's 19thC Europe 1815-1878 Rules. I thought that some of the troop classifications and formations would be ideally suited for the war, some of rules content will no doubt have wargamers aghast, but I think that Neil's reasoning is well described and of value. The morale I found a tad arbitary, but this would be no bad thing in a large game. We shall certainly try them out again but with perhaps a few mods to the morale section, no use is made of squares, whilst rarely needed in the later period, I think they are neccessary for the Carlist War so will add some stats in for them too for the next game. Here is a small photo montage

The Royal Marine Rocket Battery prepares to fire (had to add stats for this as they do not feature in the rules)
The British Auxillary Legion advance on the right flank

 Meanwhile on the left the Carlists advance against the Christinos
 On the right the Carlists advance to counter the threat from the British Auxillary Legion
 Fighting on the right goes in the Carlists favour, the remaining Christino batallion takes flight

On the left the BAL remmain blissfully unaware that all is lost on the left flank.



  1. Fantastic pictures, really impressive...and a great blog too, I do like the "The Last Defeat" terrain and figures...I'll come back!

  2. Splendid photo report, Phil! Did you say who won though?

  3. Greate pictures of stunning terrain and minis !!!

    Best regards Michael

  4. Great looking terrain and figures, thinking of getting the rules, so interested in your views. Might give it a go.

    All the best


    1. Hi AH,

      The book is a very interesting read and has good coverage if you like 19thC warfare in general, the rules and Neil's views may not be to everyones liking but the rules are very open for amendments to suit ones own. If you send me your email address via LAF I will mail you a copy of the playsheet I have knocked up it will give you a good idea.

