Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Duo Enim Dux Britanniarum

I have managed to complete two figures for the forthcoming dark age rules from Richard Clarke, more info hereToo Fat Lardies Blog and here Sidney Roundwood's Blog.

A Decurio

A Commanipulare
Figures from Musketeer Miniatures, bases from Warbases and shield transfers from Little Big Man Studios.

Also on the painting bench, for myself a First Carlist War Isabelino horse artillery gun and crew, the crew are done and the gun is about halfway. Commission wise, German fallschrimjager PAK40 and 120mm mortar and crew, some more Great War Scots and a Crimean War Russian sailor battalion, I have not seen any painted pics of these on the web so here you go

I have only managed to fit one game due to my hectic work schedule this was a Anglo-Zulu War game over at Dave's, report and pics here Tales From GHQ

Last Saturday was time for the annual visit to Salute, I thought there was quite a buzz this year that even the vastness of venue failed to evaporate, the games were mostly of a very high standard too, as always there were several little gems that were easily missed, I always make a point of printing out a floor plan and marking the games I particularly want to look out for.

Well that's it for now, its late and I have to be up to go to the Foundry open day in six hours!



  1. Those Dux figures look wonderful. Love what you do w faces.
    Cheers, Mike

  2. Agree with the Padre, bu I will aslo remark the shields with that spectacular worn-out effect

  3. Very nice Dux minis !!!

    Best regards Michael

  4. Phil, these guys look absolutely splendid. Martin's Warbases really look a treat, don't they?

  5. And very nice they are too!!! Beautiful work!!!

  6. Wonderful work Phil,


  7. Thanks for the kind comments chaps and Helen. The bases really add the finishing touch and I highly recommend Warbases for quality and price, Martin is making some of the irregular movement bases he did for Richard but with the larger diameter base inserts. I have started the next four figures,another commanipulare, a Saxon thegn and two gedricht.
