Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 9 March 2012

3rd Century Romans

Bought these superb figures by A&A Miniatures has a retirement project, but of course I could not resist painting a couple to see how they looked and ended up with these, shield transfers from LBMS of course. Based up for Impetus as this is the only rule set for which I can see me getting enough painted for games.

Off to WMMS on Sunday, hope to take some decent photo's but will not be holding my breath, as I will not be posting any that detract from the games don't hold yours.



  1. Lovely work Phil. How many miniatures do you think you will need to paint for the rule set?



    1. For Basic Impetus you generally need about 7 bases, the rules do not specify the number of figures per base it is up to you. A typical army for this period would be 2 bases of cavalry, I will put 5/6 on a base and 5 bases of infantry, I will put between 12 and 16 on base. So 10/12 cavalry figures and 60 to 80 infantry. You can of course add an artillery base instead of one of the infantry bases

  2. Nice looking unit and a big fan of Impetus!


    1. Hi Chris,

      I have only played a couple of games of Basic Impetus but liked them a lot. Also like the big bases you can really go to town on them, like the above guys warding off a missile attack.

  3. They really look great! Nice bases too!
