Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Carronade 2016 Part The First

I made my second visit up to Carronade over the weekend, another excellent show with some cracking games and a good mix of traders. I did not go with a list, oh the shame. I did however pick a pre-order up from the topping folk at Warbases, I picked up some more walls from The Last Valley a nice ochre colour to match some Dave got me for Christmas, I also got the new combined volume one and two now in hardback of "The Armies And Uniforms Of Marlborough's Wars" by Charles Grant, published by Caliver a fine looking tome, full of info and fine colour plates by the late Bob Marrion.
I popped by the Cran Tara Miniatures stand to have a chat with Graham, had it not been for the fact that Dave has a collection of SYW French and British, I think money and metal would have changed hands too, the figures are really exquisite.
Onto the games, rather than try and takes pictures of every game I have concentrated on ones that really caught my eye, first up is the Iron Brigades Retreat From Moscow game, Kevin and Peter had done a fine job here, as you will see below.......

 Stand and deliver!
 A man has to keep warm
 The Cossacks are coming!
 The obligatory overhead shot
 The retreat goes on
 What big eyes you have, a little whimsy to lighten the scene
 The wolves are running
 Caught by Cossacks
 In all directions too
 A general view

Continuing the winter theme, next to Kevin and Peter's game, The League Of Augsburg put on a Great Northern War game using the rather fine range of Warfare Miniatures figures, speaking of which Barry showed me the uniform information for the Williamite wars in Ireland that he and Clarence are going to make available to purchase as a PDF, this will give the enthusiast and the newcomer all the detail gathered from the various sources over the last few years in one place. It looked great nice clear drawings just right for painting.

To be continued.................................................................



  1. By gum but that is sharpish off the blocks there! Great pictures of those great games too!

  2. Yes indeed good to chat and thanks for the mention.

  3. Marvellous post - incredible minis and wonderful scenario! The big bad wolf better take care, too many troops around... Thanks for sharing!!
