Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday 26 October 2024

Republican T26

I picked up another T26 from Empress Miniatures while I was at Partizan for the Republicans, not as though they need it with the current run of victories ably commanded by Senor Bickley.
Rather than let it lanquish in the to do pile I have set to and completed it.
Also under the brush is a Hispano-Suiza truck I picked up at the same time.
I have also amended my Bolt Action House Rules and added a target acquisition test rule for anyone who likes a less god like vision of the table top.
Toodle pip for now and as always KBO.


  1. A rather splendid addition to the Republican forces! I shall endeavour to put it to good use in our next SCW run-out. Looking forward to seeing the other vehicles in process soon.

  2. Lovely little model and very nicely turned out, very nice addition for your collection.

    1. Thank you Donnie. Nigel turned out a very rendition of it.

  3. Beautiful work Phil ……I know lots of rules have ‘roll to see’ rules but I’m keen on keeping things simple if we can. Have you any thoughts on V3 yet ?

    1. Thank you Matt. We thought our first try out of the full changes worked really well, as I mentioned on Dave's AAR definitely a more WWII feel to the mechanics. I add a different colour dice to the to hit dice to determine if the target is acquired so there is not an additional die roll. An idea I stole from O Group.

  4. Lovely job with subtle, but present weathering. I think the spotting die in ‘O’ Group is the best feature from that set.

    1. Thank you Norm. Yup I concur on O Group, I was sorely tempted to give them a try but with RF, BA, BG and CoC in my head I thought no your brain will implode🙂

  5. Splendid…
    A nice simple scheme beautifully done…

    All the best. Aly
