Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Cohors I Pannoniorum Vetrana

My 8th Roman unit, an auxiliary cohors, this gives enough to play a basic game using Neil Thomas AMW, Impetus and To The Strongest rules sets, just need to add a general to for the last set, which I am working on currently together with another unit of Goths for the opposition. Figures are all from the superb A & A range, shield transfers from LBMS, I have also done another two casualty/disorder markers, the Roman is again a slightly modified standing A & A figure, while the Goth is a Foundry, Casting Room Miniature.
Whilst talking Roman pop over to Dave's GHQ Blog for the latest attempt of my Late Roman Alter Ego, Huttus Baldinus to overthrow the tyrannical Pompous Maximus.

Here are the "Dead Jims"

The Roman force so far

Next game is here at OHQ next Tuesday, period TBA



  1. Very fine Romans there, Baldinus Iunior will be proud. Like the whole array set out at the end. Bring on the Goths!

  2. Lovely figures and an impressive force taking shape. Never really had any Romans but perhaps one day😀

    1. Thank you Matt.
      If you count my old Airfix Romans these will be my third lot I have owned.

  3. Just superb! Great looking unit!

  4. Love this Roman unit, wonderful job!

    1. Thank you Phil.
      Auxiliary archers next after the Goths are up to 8 units.

  5. Those are terrific- the army is really coming on!

  6. Excellent painting, basing and presentation. Top notch all round.
    Cheers, Ross

  7. Wonderful units Phil - are those Roman Legionaires 16 to a base? Mighty impressive!

    1. Thank you Carlo, yes 16 to a base for the legion and 12 for the auxiliaries, except the last one is only 11 to get the formation I wanted.
