Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 25 November 2024

Midgard The First

As the title suggests I took my forces of Aelle and Artos over to GHQ for the inaugural game of Midgard:Heroic Battles.
Aelle's force from the sample list in the rule book.
Artos's force from the sample list in the rule book.
A general advance by the forces of Artos commences hostilities.
Not to appear faint hearted to his troops Aelle responds in kind.
Despite being our first game the turns zip along. Aelle being the first to lead one of his Hearthguard charging into Artos's foot Comitatus gaining extra reputation.
Over on the other flank the rival skirmishers trade arrows.
In the centre Aelle's Hearthguard destroy the Comitatus leaving Artos's nephew to fight alone or lose reputation and retire to the relative safety of other unit.
Things we're going better with Kai leading his tribal Levy and routing their enemy only to be destroyed by the supporting Saxon Duguth in turn.
Things were looking bad when the Saxon skirmishers charged and destroyed their counterparts.
Wait! On the other flank the Saxon Osric is killed the unit he was leading destroyed with loss of more reputation.
Worse was to come things had turned bad for Aelle the Hearthguard he was leading are destroyed. He must fight on alone or lose reputation which he cannot afford to do.
Aelle's vessel runs dry.
However another destroyed Saxon unit elsewhere seals their fate anyway.
A victory for the forces of Artos and a splendid first game, five turns and two hours of play including set up and rule checking. A big thumbs up for Midguard from us both, another game in a couple of weeks we enjoyed it so much.
Until next time.............
Toodle Pip and KBO 


  1. Success - love the Saxon skirmisher basing.

    1. Thank you Norm. The rules certainly lived up to expectations and more.

  2. A really grand introduction to the new rules! The armies are simply a joy to play with! Reputation? Bah Humbug!

    1. Thank you Aelle. Looking forward to the next foray, though I doubt I shall be so lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

  3. Excellent looking game as expected! Really happy to hear you enjoyed it so much. Looking forward to my first game!


    1. Thank you Christopher, I doubt very much that you will be disappointed.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Jonathan, the rules certainly give what it says on the tin as far as we are concerned.

  5. Thanks for this - the troops look splendid. I have just played the first two turns of my first game of Midgard. Overall I seem to be picking it up fine and there's plenty of drama as the lines get intermixed. The thing I'm finding I am having to look up the most is all the heroic and unit traits during melees. These are helpfully set out in alphabetical order in the book but I am thinking about making a second set of lists noting which relate to melee, which shooting, which movement etc. to see if I can find what I'm needing quicker. It may just be that I need to play more games with the same armies so that it becomes familiar.
    I thought of playing my late Romans against the Franks but have gone for Dwarves against Thor and the Aesir. The Dwarves are hard to kill but they are not getting things all their own way.
    More turns today.

    1. Thank you Stephen glad you enjoyed our first foray with Midgard. We have sheets with the traits of each hero listed but getting carried away in the heat of the action I don't think either of us thought to use them🙄 We do do the same with BP and HC special rules too.

  6. A grand looking encounter there to introduce the new rules! Splended toys on display, glad you both had such a good game... a very positive "thumbs up" for Midgard by the look of it!
    Thanks for the report.

    1. Thank you Paul it was a most enjoyable first outing. We will knock up some forces to use Dave's 1066 collection in the New Year I am sure.

  7. A good run out for the rules, lovely looking table and miniatures, really very nice.

  8. Thank you Donnie most kind. The rules are just the ticket.

  9. Trying them tonight, I watched the videos and got a bit lost during the melees. Lovely troops as ever Phil.

  10. Thank you George. The melees can get a tad hectic but it is much easier to follow when you have them on the table in front of you. Good luck tonight!

  11. Well a cracking game to behold there Phil and the old Mudguard rules do seem to be popping up on lots of Blogs!

    1. Thank you Steve. They did tick my boxes for the period and with a campaign PDF in the pipe line I am hooked.

  12. A splendid looking game Phil…
    It looks like that is another set of rules I will need to pick up.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. The production value is superb if you don't take to the rules the artwork is a pleasure to view. If you like Lion Rampant I think you will like Midgard.
