Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday 3 March 2024


Yesterday Dave, the ladies and myself made the trip to Newark, we duly dropped the ladies off in Newark and then proceeded to the showground. We arrived a little after 10.30 already the show was heaving with eager punters.
I spent the first fifteen minutes collecting my pre-orders and picking up stuff off my list. I then went over to Dave Stone's table where he was running a small game to show case his upcoming WWI rules Zero Hour to be published via Gripping Beast later in the year. I watched while he played through a couple of turns with a keen young lad, whose dice throwing I made add was amazing. Dave then kindly ran through the basics of the rules for me. Needless to say I was most impressed and will definitely be making a purchase, look out for some content in WI as the rules progress.
We were on a time constraint so I did not take any photos of the games which were up to the usual standard we have come to expect from the show. So I will have to bore you with my purchases, as I will be away for the first Partizan a bit of stocking up was in order🙂
A new addition to Ironclad Miniatures 28mm trench system range, Gamers Grass Tufts taking advantage of Great Escape Games 6 for 5 offer of course, and four free sprues of Warlord French Napoleonic infantry courtesy of Dan, WI editor via Dave 
North Star wire spears from Coriatani, paint from Pendraken, airbrush cleaner from Barwell Bodyworks, French and British Napoleonics from Gripping Beast and Dave Thomas to top up my Peninsular project stash.
From Warbases a stock replenishment and some markers for Lion Rampant.
Speaking of which look out for a game report later in the week which will contain pretty pictures.
Until then............


  1. A grand day out and a very respectable haul there!

  2. One can't beat a bit of retail therapy.

  3. Looks like a productive shopping expedition.

    1. It was indeed, there is WMMS in a couple of weeks so there may be more depending who is trading, no list that I can see currently though.

  4. Well stocked up now by the look of it!
    It was nice to get the chance to meet up and chat for a while... all be it far too briefly.... glad you had a good day.
    I sadly missed out on the free French inf' sprues Drat!

    1. Good to see you too. See above re. stock🙂

  5. Super stuff Phil lots of nice stuff…interested to know how you are getting on with the Warlord French ? Have you completed any yet

    1. Thank you Matt. Your comment had gone into spam, Blogger continues to astound me it even sends my replies there too. I have a fair few Perry and Front Rank ready to go before I get to them.

  6. A really nice mix of clobber. I am very partial to the Gamers tufts.

  7. Can't beat them for variety that's for sure

  8. Splendid loot Mr Robinson… You made good use of your time.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I did my best. Would like to have got a game of of Zero Hour in but one can't do everything in a couple of hours.
