Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Bits and Bobs

Its been a quiet month on the gaming and painting front on account of my good wife dragging me off to Tuscany for a week and then down to Devon the week after. Prior to going off I managed to win three Wings of War dogfights against Dave, since I have been back I lost a rather close Late Roman Civil War encounter at GHQ using Hail Caesar and last night lost again here at OHQ playing a Spanish Civil War game using Brigadier 38. I also paid a visit to GHQ to help Dave take the last few photo's for his latest rule set for the Indian Mutiny "The Devils Wind", these are now at the printers and will hopefully be with the main sellers in time for Claymore.
Again my own painting as taken a back seat due to, thankfully, being very busy with commission work. I have however now completed my 4th Carlist battalion and just need to finish off the light company for a 4th Isabelino battalion and I just need to paint 2 figures for each side to complete a cavalry unit. I have also completed a PzI for my Spanish Civil War Nationalist forces and inspired by Saxon Dog started on my 3rd Cent. Romans which was to be a  mid 2012 project, not just Dave really as I also read "Lion of the Sun" the third book in Harry Sidebottom's "Warrior of Rome" series whilst I was away.

Here are a few shots of some of the things I have been painting

 Front Rank British Marlburian Foot, a commission. The customer is adding the flags
 A Spanish Civil War Nationalist PzI. Empress Miniatures
 Third Century Romans, these were block painted with strong tone dip brushed on and then highlighted back up. Figures from A&A, shield transfers LBM (a God send for painters of Ancients) the arrow is from the Perry WotR plastics box.


1 comment:

  1. Nice models, specially the Pz I. I would like to see more photos of your SCW minis
