Did the early Saxons employ cavalry? Well mine do, figures from Footsore Miniatures, base from Warbases and hand painted shields.
The last figures to leave the painting desk today is the start of the fifth battalion of French infantry for my "it will look OK at three feet" Peninsular project.
Looking back over the year besides commission painting I have painted 331 figures together with 24 vehicles and 25 terrain pieces. I don't keep track of the number of games, Dave says he has played 50 games, some of those will have been against fellow GHQ Irregular Paul, so I imagine I have played 40 or there abouts.
What of 2025? I plan to continue to add to all the ongoing projects and maybe I will get to start on the Seleucid figures I am amassing later in the year. I shall cease commission work at the the end of March so I hope to increase the painted figure count next year, we will see.
Happy New Year everybody, untll next year.........