Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Midgard The Third

 Tempus Fugit, I can't believe that it has been three months since our initial run out with Midgard(clicky)

 Yesterday Dave came over for our weekly game and we played a game to remedy the fact that we had only played a further game since then(clicky)

The game would again see conflict between Artos of the Britons and Aelle and his Saxon hordes.
The left flank contingent is lead by Artos himself, two mounted Comitatus supported by skirmisher unit with bows.
The centre is lead by Beowyr, a unit of Comitatus on foot and three units of Peoyts.
The right flank contingent is lead by Artos's half brother Kai, one unit of Peoyts and three units of levy supported by a unit of skirmishers with bows.
Local farm folk look on with apprehension.
Meanwhile Aelle and his hordes prepare to cross the Penk, three units, two Gedricht and three Duguth have crossed earlier. The Penk is a barrier and each unit must pass a command roll (3+) rolling two dice and taking the lower score to cross.
The Saxons have trouble crossing, we have had a lot of rain here recently. A brave unit from Beowyr's contingent surge forward to engage Aelle's warriors before others can cross.
Artos has been more circumspect and has allowed the Saxons time to cross on his flank, something he will later regret.
The British centre and right becomes heavily engaged
Over on the Saxon right Hussa becomes the first hero to fall to the British swords and spears. Command there falls to his accompanying champion Gornaelle.
Who rallies the troops and in the ensuing melee, mort de Artos.
A severe blow to the British morale.
However fighting continues on the centre and left, where.....
Aelle is also slain while valiantly leading his Gedricht. Could this swing the result in the favour of the Britons?
Alas no Beowyr is also slain, together with the loss of another unit this signals the end of the Britons whose morale is shattered and the remaining units quit the field.
For some reason the dice gods decided that this unit of Duguth would remain on the other side of the Penk for the games duration😂
Another grand game, it took us a couple of turns to get reaquinted with the rules and not get mixed up with Hail Caesar😂 nonetheless the game moved along well despite having to check back on a few things. We also remembered to check the unit traits too, although we failed to make use of the heroes mighty deeds as much as we should. Their use could have saved both Artos and Aelle to this effect both will return for future battles.
Until next time........KBO

Friday, 28 February 2025

Paratroopers And Partisans

For something a little different I have decided to add a partisan brigade to my WWII Soviet collection. 
For particular operations, particularly in the build up to Operation Bagration paratroops could be drop in to support them.
The first of the partisans a HQ and demolition team.
Secondly a brigade squad.
The figures are from Check Point Miniatures and the bases from Warbases.
I hope to pick up more partisans at Hammerhead on Saturday from Grubby Tanks, these are Britannia Miniatures a lot more chunky than CP but they will meld in on the table if kept in their own squads.
Another WW2 game is planned in OHQ next week.
Until next time KBO

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Das Hexenkessel

With the Germans forward positions in free fall the Americans are pressing forwards. Standing in their way is the small conurbation of Kleine Bikkelheim, here is an ad-hoc force of the enemy that has been thrown together to hold up the Allied advance while more forces are bought up to halt the it.
The defenders although likely to be surrounded must hold on and resist to the very end, there is little hope of escape.
The American units will enter randomly either on their base line (red) or one of the flanks (blue)
The American left flank. The red x denotes that the house has been fortified and contains the German platoon HQ and a squad of infantry.
The American right flank, BT denotes that the Germans have booby trapped the house.
The bulk of the American force entered on the two flanks, with intelligence that the Germans had covered both flanks as well as their front they opted to deploy as near to their baseline as possible. It would mean a full frontal attack but with them the numbers. Off table mortar and howitzer fire combined with a P47 airstrike on the German rear would hopefully balance the odds too.
The M5 Stuart recce vehicle is soon despatched that's one less spotter for the mortars.
Jabos! Retribution is swift the timed airstrike takes out the German recce tank and one of the Panzer IVs, the 251/22 "Drilling" being unable to drive it off.
The American progress from the right flank is slowed by the wooded terrain, this was a let off for the defenders as the Easy8 command tank had the artillery spotter  ability together with the platoon HQ coming the same way, both being unable to spot for the off table 105's until they got to the edge.
The Americans on the left begin their advance past the burning M5.
The German forward trench is cleared.
A chit pull by the Americans sees a special, a die is rolled and the off table German 120mm mortar battery will only have enough ammo for one barrage, drat!
A Sherman has reached the roadblock and takes advantage of it's cover.
Although the Germans are causing casualties and resulting chit draws it is not helping, the Germans find that three of their panzerfausts are duds, eek!
Having no armoured targets now, the PAK40 keeps more American infantry pinned down with HE fire.
The Sherman by the roadblock is now targeting the building with the HQ and remaining German infantry squad. With no current threat to the flank the remaining PanzerIV is brought up to deal with it.
Oh no! The resulting chit draw is a breakdown counter, the Panzer Jaeger IV is out of fuel and is abandoned by the crew! To add to this the remaining PanzerIV is brewed up by the Americans M36 Jackson. Turn six with no armour and only a three value chit draw from breaking I call it a day and conceed victory to Dave.
The Americans can now push on.
Until next time KBO

Monday, 17 February 2025

The General

An occasional addition to the Italian Wars collection, a Generals command base.
Steel Fist figures with a standard from Pete's flags on a base from Warbases.
Untol next time KBO 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Water And Medicinals For Bikkelheim

I have recently completed my remaining structures for my fictional German town of Bikkelheim. Both are Faller model railway items sourced off EBay the bases are of course from the ever helpful Warbases, the sign is from a sheet of German signs available as a free download from the Rapid Fire website.
Front elevation
Rear elevation.
Look out for their debut on the table next week in another exciting game using Battlegroup rules.
Until then KBO

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Last Of The Romans

These are the very last figures which will complete? my third century Romans army. A & A figures on bases from the ever reliable Warbases with LBMS shield transfers, the single command figures being a cut and shut from two different designs. The arrows are from the Perry plastic WotR box.
Next week's game at OHQ will be a late WWII game using Battlegroup rules.
Until next time....................

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Surely Some Mistake?

The place Spain early 1937, objective seize and hold the bridge. Nationalist forces approaching the bridge are four squads of Foreign Legion including two 50mm mortars and a HMG with support of a squad of Regulares.
Also heading to occupy the bridge is the following Republican force consisting of five squads of EPR with HMG and 50mm mortar support.
The opposing forces converge on the bridge.
A squad of SFL wait for their comrades to nullify the threat from the the flanks.
The Republicans have the same plan it appears?
The Nationalists consolidate on their left flank engaging the Republicans on the other side of the river.
The Republicans advance to counter, but there is some confusion (a FUBAR roll) and one squad advances to the rear.
On the Nationalist right a squad and heavy weapons teams in support prepare to give the Republicans on that flank a hot reception.
The Republicans come under heavy and accurate fire, a hot reception indeed 
The Republican platoon commander moves up to encourage the faltering troops on the other flank who are missing the support of the retreating squads less than enthusiastic return to the fray.
A random event draw saw the Republican Assaultos miss an order to advance and support their left where the Republican heavy weapons teams were all but eliminated so that the Nationalist could concentrate their fire on them alone.
Up to turn three it looked as though the encounter would peter out into a draw, however as happens a lot after the break for lunch the balance switched dramatically to the Nationalists the draw of the order dice favouring them. The Republicans suffered from some devastating fire blunting their ability to reply. Turn four and the Nationalists took advantage of this storming over the bridge causing further mayhem.
Turn six and the Republican platoon commander ordered a withdrawal.
A rare victory for the Nationalists, surely some mistake?
As an aside several years ago I made a periscope that seldom gets used, too old school? With the use of measuring sticks in our recent games I thought this ought to get used too especially as Bolt Action uses true line of sight. We are both getting on to keep crouching down if needed and risk not being able to rise again😂 so out it came.
The periscope cunningly disguised as a house front.
Until next time..............