All Quiet On The Western Front?
The scenario was taken from "Stout Hearts & Iron Troopers" well worth getting even if you don't use TM&B. The German's objective is to capture the bunker (top right on the above picture), the pre-game bombardment initially neutralised the two sections of Brits in the dugouts but only caused one point of shock on the men in the concrete bunker. The Germans made good progress across no mans land in the opening stages
However, they soon came under fire from the Lewis section in the bunker, the German section on the right flank took casualties from British sustained MG fire on the flank. The following turns saw the British rifle and rifle grenade sections rally from the effects of the bombardment, whilst the German advanced slowed, enabling the Brits to lay down more fire against them, adding continuing amounts of shock, and causing them to take shelter in the various shell holes.
Take Cover!
Meanwhile the German assault section had made its way through the wood (top left in the above picture), seeing that the rest of the troops were making little progress their commander ordered an assault on the British trenches, the only British able to engage them being the rifle grenade section.
"SturmAbteilung Vor!
This turned out to be a poor decision and the turning point in the game for the British put down some accurate and devastating rifle and rifle grenade fire.
Discharge Your Grenades!
The German sections in the middle continued to pour ineffective fire (how do I manage to throw so many 1's and 2's?) into the bunker, the fire against the rifle section on the right, being their one success. Whittling the British rifle section down to one man, the stalwart Cpl. Percy Pendeforde
One Man And His Woodbine
With the destruction of the assault section and the retirement of one of the rifle sections and the amount of shock on the others coupled with the arrival of British reinforcements.
The game was up for the Hun
Why did we forsake the M&B cards and Big Man mechanism you may well ask, well I'm a bit of a rules junkie to start with, also I have to umpire and play, with M&B there is such a lot goes on that I often forget to do a lot of things with the side I am playing. I think that M&B is the best set there is for this level of Great War game, but I still think it runs better and more smoothly with a dedicated umpire, a few will no doubt disagree. The next game at OHQ will definitely be a try out of BA, although I doubt I will forsake M&B entirely.