I thought I might record what I managed on the hobby front in the year of Covid. I managed to make it to what was possibly the last shows of 2020 in the UK, namely WMMS and Hammerhead, I can't remember how many games Dave and myself managed between lockdown and tiers, Matt Crump kindly arranged three games via Zoom and I played a few solo games along way.
Figure wise I painted 297 figures, I also assembled and painted 14 1/72nd AFVs and a Russian PE2 bomber.
Meanwhile on the terrain front I made an hermitage with outbuilding from Charlie Foxtrot and Warbases respectively for my Spanish Civil Wars collections and re-painted an EBay purchase of a railway station for my fictional town of Rahnstadt, other terrain items included barb wire sections and fences for my 20mm WWII collection and three Pegasus Models Russian izbas. For the 28mm collections I also painted a culvert and fences from Sabotag3d and a Warlord bunker kindly given to me by Norm.
A little montage from the year.