AMW Rule Additions

Bolt Action House Rules Amended

Tuesday, 31 December 2024


In a few hours 2024 will be leaving the building so a little run down on what I have been painting in December is in order. Firstly the last figures completed recently in December.......
Did the early Saxons employ cavalry? Well mine do, figures from Footsore Miniatures, base from Warbases and hand painted shields.
Another base of Footsore Miniatures mounted Saxons, LBMS shield transfers where applicable.
The last of my AB Miniatures WWII German grenadiers, I just have a command group to do now.
The last figures to leave the painting desk today is the start of the fifth battalion of French infantry for my "it will look OK at three feet" Peninsular project.
Looking back over the year besides commission painting I have painted 331 figures together with 24 vehicles and 25 terrain pieces. I don't keep track of the number of games, Dave says he has played 50 games, some of those will have been against fellow GHQ Irregular Paul, so I imagine I have played 40 or there abouts.
What of 2025? I plan to continue to add to all the ongoing projects and maybe I will get to start on the Seleucid figures I am amassing later in the year. I shall cease commission work at the the end of March so I hope to increase the painted figure count next year, we will see. 
Happy New Year everybody, untll next year.........

Thursday, 26 December 2024

El Camión De La Verdad.

Or is it?
The truck is a Lledo, Days Gone By model sourced from a local charity shop. The loud speaker is from a seller of die cast spares found by Dave on EBay. The figures are from the latest release from Empress Miniatures, Nationalist Command.
Included in the pack is a representation of Franco and a radio operator. I have added two German advisors and a Spanish officer from their range to make up a command vignette.

Trust that Santa bought you all at least one hobby related present. 

Until next time.........

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish all of my chums and followers of the blog a very fine Christmas.
If you have been good, I am sure you have, I hope Santa delivers some hobby related gifts for you. 
If you have been bad, I am sure you certainly haven't.
Well let's not go there.
I shall post after the Christmas festivities what I have completed on the painting front the last few days. Until then ........
TTFN & KB OH, OH, OH🧑🏻‍🎄🌲

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

More Moors

I have finally got around to painting the rest of the figures to field a platoon of Regulares for my Nationalist Spanish Civil War forces.
Figures are as ever from the Empress Miniatures range. Coming up next probably after the Christmas break will be  El camión de la verdad.
No game in OHQ next week due to various circumstances gaming has transferred to GHQ this month.


Sunday, 1 December 2024

Heroes Or Villains

Suitably inspired by our recent outing with the new Midgard rules I have added to post Roman Britannia collection.
Myrooin, a wizard. Figure from Footsore Miniatures.
Raeowulf the Cursed, a Wiglera. Figure from Gripping Beast 
An unamed hero or champion that can go on either side. A figure from Footsore Miniatures.
Another unamed hero or champion to go with either side. Again the figure is from Footsore Miniatures.
Now onto terrain, a scenario in Midgard features a hill with salient points that if held gain the occupying side extra reputation. Author James in one of the introductory videos played this one and used standing stones to mark them. This reminded me of a "buy it when you see it not when you need it" moment a few years back.
Queqe these items from the set suitably based.
No game next week as I am away for a few days, so until next time...........