AMW Rule Additions

Bolt Action House Rules Amended

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Heroes Or Villains

Suitably inspired by our recent outing with the new Midgard rules I have added to post Roman Britannia collection.
Myrooin, a wizard. Figure from Footsore Miniatures.
Raeowulf the Cursed, a Wiglera. Figure from Gripping Beast 
An unamed hero or champion that can go on either side. A figure from Footsore Miniatures.
Another unamed hero or champion to go with either side. Again the figure is from Footsore Miniatures.
Now onto terrain, a scenario in Midgard features a hill with salient points that if held gain the occupying side extra reputation. Author James in one of the introductory videos played this one and used standing stones to mark them. This reminded me of a "buy it when you see it not when you need it" moment a few years back.
Queqe these items from the set suitably based.
No game next week as I am away for a few days, so until next time...........


  1. Super figures, as is expected, but for me the highlight is the Stones. I was only looking at similar last week on the web, but not at that price sadly!

    1. Thank you DB. Certainly glad I bought them and put into storage come the day.

  2. Lovely figures, they should look great on the table. The stones are very decent indeed and at that price they are a real steal, nice work.

    1. Thank you Donnie. The henge was a cracking buy, a definite plus for taking heed of the old adage.

  3. Excellent work on both the figures and the stones Phil!


    1. Thank you for the continuing endorsement of my efforts.

  4. Superb work and a bargain to get those Stonehenge pieces for your games!

  5. Thank you Steve, the Stonehenge was certainly a star purchase though I didn't know it at the time.

  6. Splendid new additions Phil…
    Very entertaining to read that Stonehenge might be a choking hazard….🤣

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. Every day is a learning day🙂

  7. Some fine inspirational work there Phil! Fine brushwork, a joy to look at. And a solid bargain there with the stones... amazing what you can come across just browsing some of the bargain stores.

  8. Thank you for the glowing endorsement Paul. They are always worth a mooch around you never what will turn up.
