AMW Rule Additions

Bolt Action House Rules Amended

Tuesday, 31 December 2024


In a few hours 2024 will be leaving the building so a little run down on what I have been painting in December is in order. Firstly the last figures completed recently in December.......
Did the early Saxons employ cavalry? Well mine do, figures from Footsore Miniatures, base from Warbases and hand painted shields.
Another base of Footsore Miniatures mounted Saxons, LBMS shield transfers where applicable.
The last of my AB Miniatures WWII German grenadiers, I just have a command group to do now.
The last figures to leave the painting desk today is the start of the fifth battalion of French infantry for my "it will look OK at three feet" Peninsular project.
Looking back over the year besides commission painting I have painted 331 figures together with 24 vehicles and 25 terrain pieces. I don't keep track of the number of games, Dave says he has played 50 games, some of those will have been against fellow GHQ Irregular Paul, so I imagine I have played 40 or there abouts.
What of 2025? I plan to continue to add to all the ongoing projects and maybe I will get to start on the Seleucid figures I am amassing later in the year. I shall cease commission work at the the end of March so I hope to increase the painted figure count next year, we will see. 
Happy New Year everybody, untll next year.........


  1. Splendid output in the circumstances. You know I think your collections are a joy to behold, unlike your dice! Happy New Year! See you in the SYW next Monday!

    1. Thank you most kind. Here's to the NY SYW bash!

  2. Very productive December, Phil! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Jonathan I shall endeavour to carry the productivity forward into 2025.

  3. Photo 1 …. Your best work, gorgeous. Best Wishes for the New Year.

    1. Thank you Norm, most kind keeping my fingers crossed for 2025.

  4. Splendid units as always Phil and a HNY to you and yours!

  5. Excellent looking units Phil and a great way to end the year!


  6. All the best for 2025 Phil. With your beautiful figures you surely jest about the 3 foot rule, that's more for me.

  7. Thank you George. Happy New Year.

  8. Very productive and top notch work on them all, really very nice.

  9. To produce such fine quality pieces at the rate that you do is just jaw-dropping!! Keep up the fine work, and look forward to 2025 being another fine year of hobby -related goodness!
    Happy new year Phil, to you and your family, and may 25 bring you good fortune, wealth, and even better dice rolls! 🤞🤞

  10. Thank Paul most kind. Happy New Year!

  11. A fine collection of toys to end the year with Phil…
    Your Napoleonics certainly look more than…
    “ It will look OK at three feet”
    I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2025…

    All the best. Aly
