AMW Rule Additions

Bolt Action House Rules

Thursday 17 October 2024

Fill It Up

A couple of years ago I started a France 1940 project in 28mm which never got far before being sold on, I have since done it in 20mm. At the time I started this garage to compliment the buildings I already had for the late war.
I had run out of primed figures earlier in the week so I set to and finished it off.
The building is a MDF shell is from Warbases, from where I sourced the base, with a Wills corrugated iron roof added together with guttering, downpipe and weather boarding. The cobbled forecourt is from the same source too.
The advertising signs are downloaded from the Rapid Fire website, the forecourt furniture is from 1st Corps with period names downloaded off the web and resized from 1/35 scale.
The name on the frontage I did myself.
All being well it will feature on the table in our game next week.
Toodle Pip & KBO

Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Other Partizan II

The last of my meagre haul of photos.
Bramley Barn - RCW Assault on Urga.
1st Corps - Gold Beach, King Sector.
Old Pikey's Gaming Group - Hells Highway 1944
League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers - Lutzen
The Bodkins - 18th Prussia v Russia
There were many more worthy of a photo of two, but time is the enemy with so many.
Until next time...............
Toodle pip and KBO

Monday 14 October 2024

The Other Partizan 1

Though feeling somewhat depleted after fighting of the lurgy having missed the May Partizan I was determined to attend this one.
I made up for missing May by spending many £s
Gripping Beast - Successors and Napoleonic artillery.
Dave Thomas - French Napoleonic dragoons.
Empress - WWII British and SCW bits.
Last Valley - a small dry walled garden.
Pendraken - wire spears and paint.
Ironclad - Field position.
Warbases - well bases.
Great Escape Games - grass Tufts.
Foundry - more Successors.
I didn't take photos of a lot of the splendid games on display, a small selection of what I did appear below.
League of Extraordinary Wargamers - Tip & Run East Africa 1914
The Iron Brigade - Lee Heads North ACW
A beautiful 6x4 table put on by chums Kevin & Peter
To be continued................

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Republican O Group

I bought this command set when it was released, I would be embarrassed to find out how long ago that was. With the upcoming release of a Nationalist command set I thought it high time they had their time in the sun so set too and got them painted. I have added two Soviet advisors to complete the scene.
I am on the road to recovery from the lurgy so all being well I shall make The Other Partizan on Sunday🤞
Toodle Pip & KBO

Monday 7 October 2024

Le 26me Infanterie de Ligne

By sheer coincidence while Dave had started their Crimean counterparts I started the next addition to the Peninsular project with the same regiment.
These have again been painted in the main with GW Contrast paint. 
However this time with the exception of the white parts I have not added any additional highlights. While they wouldn't win any prizes I think they are more than good enough for table distances.

The figures are all Perry plastics on bases from Warbases as usual.
I have been struck down with the lurgy but I hope to be tip top ready for Partizan on Sunday.
Toodle pip & KBO