Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday 31 December 2020

It's That Little Souvenir Of A Terrible Year

 I thought I might record what I managed on the hobby front in the year of Covid. I managed to make it to what was possibly the last shows of 2020 in the UK, namely WMMS and Hammerhead, I can't remember how many games Dave and myself managed between lockdown and tiers, Matt Crump kindly arranged three games via Zoom and I played a few solo games along way.

Figure wise I painted 297 figures, I also assembled and painted 14 1/72nd AFVs and a Russian PE2 bomber.

Meanwhile on the terrain front I made an hermitage with outbuilding from Charlie Foxtrot and Warbases respectively for my Spanish Civil Wars collections and re-painted an EBay purchase of a railway station for my fictional town of Rahnstadt, other terrain items included barb wire sections and fences for my 20mm WWII collection and three Pegasus Models Russian izbas. For the 28mm collections I also painted a culvert and fences from Sabotag3d and a Warlord bunker kindly given to me by Norm.

A little montage from the year.


The way ahead, well who knows? No face to face games or shows for the foreseeable future thats for sure, in the meantime its a case of dig in, hunker down and KBO.


Monday 21 December 2020

Merry Christmas Everybody


Merry Christmas
Joyeux Noël
Fröhliche Weihnachten
Buon Natale
Feliz Navidad
счастливого Рождества
God Jul
 Vrolijk Kerstfeest

Monday 7 December 2020

Bunker Built

 I finished off the bunker over the weekend.

The sandbags are from Ironclad Miniatures, the jerry can and wrapped tarp are from Rubicon, the stack are a pile of ammo boxes from the bits box, origin unknown, covered with strong serviette coated with PVA.

The bunker was painted with Anita's acrylic craft paint, Grey. The disruptive paint with Vallejo Green Olive then washed with GW Nuln Oil and drybrushed with both colours lightened up with Vallejo Light Flesh and Sunny Skintone respectively. Streaking was added using AK Interactive weathering pencils.

Hope to play the next game in my mini Chain of Command campaign later in the week, "stuff" permitting.

Keep safe and KBO