AMW Rule Additions

Bolt Action House Rules Amended

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Pressed For Time

The first game in OHQ took place yesterday, a World War 2 game using Battlegroup rules inspired by the Minsk Highway scenario in the Rapid Fire Eastern Front scenario book but using a scenario from the Battlegroup Wacht Am Rhein scenario book.
The Germans are holding back a Soviet thrust during Operation Bagration the Soviet's must break through quickly, from turn five if the Germans are still holding they must draw a Battle Rating counter every turn and from turn ten two counters.
From the start Soviet orders are just not getting through (those pesky dice gods) it is a similar situation on the German side (but they have time on their side if not the dice gods)
First blood goes to the Germans with a cheeky long range shot from a Stug III taking out an advancing SU76.
The Soviet's support the advance with off table 120mm mortar fire.
The Soviet's have a flank force of a ISU152 battery due to arrive in turn four so seem content to sit back engage the Germans with mortar and  long range tank fire.
The Germans are happy to exchange fire from their Stug battery with the support of a solitary Panther to take on the the Soviet IS2.
Perhaps not, it breaks down and is immobilized before it can get in position it's line of site is blocked making it redundant!
German mortar fire takes down the Zis3.
The German PAK43 comes under intense fire, the crew abandon it and flee!
The BA64 is doing splendid work calling in the 120mm mortar fire.
The German platoon HQ is no more, so no more off table mortar support.
The ISU battery arrives on turn seven! The Germans brace themselves for the final assault.
The German panzerschrek team are pinned down by mortar fire, drat!
The remaining Stug is taken out in turn nine, the resulting Battle Rating counter draws take them over there BR of 29 and they must withdraw. If they could have lasted until the next turn, the Soviet's would have had to take two counters. With them only three from exceeding their BR they could easily have exceeded theirs. An enjoyable close run thing and Dave's first 2025 win..



  1. A splendid close fought game, with the initiative swinging from side to side. In the end the Soviets crept over the line just in the nick of time.

    1. A cracking game indeed and I don't think I was too rusty on the rules front considering the last game was in May.

  2. Great looking game and AAR Phil!


  3. Great looking game, some lovely miniatures on show, really nice.

  4. A splendid looking game there Phil... lovely looking pictures and models on show! Battlegroup always seems to deliver a good enjoyable game. Well done to Dave, no doubt he'll have his confidence up now for next week!

    1. Thank you Paul. Despite losing more gamers with Battlegroup than I win they have always delivered an enjoyable game. They certainly give the feel of WW2 for me.

  5. A cracking looking close run game Phil…
    And a win for David…could this be the first of many?

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly it was most enjoyable. As for Dave's continued success on the table only the dice gods can confirm a yay or nay๐Ÿ™‚

  6. That paint job on the Panther is lovely - so Sod's Law immediately rules that the prettiest tank on the table will break down, sometimes I wonder why we bother... ;o)

    1. Thank you Rob, indeed I painted it a while ago but believe it was it's first outing in the table too๐Ÿ™„

  7. Truly inspiring photos of your game, Phil. Your models are super and you let David win!

    1. Thank you Jonathan most kind. Well he was due a win๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. A tense fight indeed with suitable pressure on the Jerries for 1944.

    1. It's fun being the Germans in the late War you don't really expect to win it's a bonus when you do.

  9. As always a wonderful looking battle ๐Ÿ‘
