AMW Rule Additions

Bolt Action House Rules Amended

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Midgard The Third

 Tempus Fugit, I can't believe that it has been three months since our initial run out with Midgard(clicky)

 Yesterday Dave came over for our weekly game and we played a game to remedy the fact that we had only played a further game since then(clicky)

The game would again see conflict between Artos of the Britons and Aelle and his Saxon hordes.
The left flank contingent is lead by Artos himself, two mounted Comitatus supported by skirmisher unit with bows.
The centre is lead by Beowyr, a unit of Comitatus on foot and three units of Peoyts.
The right flank contingent is lead by Artos's half brother Kai, one unit of Peoyts and three units of levy supported by a unit of skirmishers with bows.
Local farm folk look on with apprehension.
Meanwhile Aelle and his hordes prepare to cross the Penk, three units, two Gedricht and three Duguth have crossed earlier. The Penk is a barrier and each unit must pass a command roll (3+) rolling two dice and taking the lower score to cross.
The Saxons have trouble crossing, we have had a lot of rain here recently. A brave unit from Beowyr's contingent surge forward to engage Aelle's warriors before others can cross.
Artos has been more circumspect and has allowed the Saxons time to cross on his flank, something he will later regret.
The British centre and right becomes heavily engaged
Over on the Saxon right Hussa becomes the first hero to fall to the British swords and spears. Command there falls to his accompanying champion Gornaelle.
Who rallies the troops and in the ensuing melee, mort de Artos.
A severe blow to the British morale.
However fighting continues on the centre and left, where.....
Aelle is also slain while valiantly leading his Gedricht. Could this swing the result in the favour of the Britons?
Alas no Beowyr is also slain, together with the loss of another unit this signals the end of the Britons whose morale is shattered and the remaining units quit the field.
For some reason the dice gods decided that this unit of Duguth would remain on the other side of the Penk for the games duration😂
Another grand game, it took us a couple of turns to get reaquinted with the rules and not get mixed up with Hail Caesar😂 nonetheless the game moved along well despite having to check back on a few things. We also remembered to check the unit traits too, although we failed to make use of the heroes mighty deeds as much as we should. Their use could have saved both Artos and Aelle to this effect both will return for future battles.
Until next time........KBO